Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seeing distinctly

Acts 10:1-16
This morning I forgot to take my glasses to work with me. I can see without them, reading is just that much easier with their aid. This fits in well with the one word which I heard clearly in the readings this morning. In the version in the link it is "clearly" but in the NIV it is "distinctly".
Other people being forced to give up their prejudices is one of my favourites. Thus I always read about Peter's dream with great delight, it gave me courage to be different. Cornelius, he was just obeying God. But today I see him differently. Firstly he had courage to send for Peter. No shall I shan't I. He did it, whatever rebuff he might receive. Why, because of that one word clearly/distinctly.
3One afternoon at about three o’clock he had a vision in which he clearly saw an angel of God coming in and saying to him, ‘Cornelius.’
Cornelius was terrified but he had the confidence to obey.
And me?

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