Tuesday, August 14, 2012

God speaking?

Judges 13:1-15

The man said "You are going to have a baby". The woman told her husband. He took over, he wanted to be told for himself how they were to rear the child. Did he really think the woman was imagining the whole story?
A dead baby, a miscarriage and two barren years, then one day in the cycle of my bible reading I read "This time next year you will hold a baby in your arms". And I did.
The words jumped into my heart as if they were meant for me. I have searched for them since but have not been able to find the passage I thought they were in - Isaac, not Samson, for this is what we are reading today, Samuel, John. Somewhere my special message is hidden.  I believe it was God speaking.
But now, what about the other times when I think God says "Act"? How I question the thought? Where is my confidence to follow the leading?

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