Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Acts 9:32-43
Dorcas Mundy was one of my charges at Woodlarks Camp. I went there for three summers. Able bodied and handicapped, helpers and helped, we all returned annually. Dorcas Munday was the first Dorcas in my life. She had a fantastic smile and sense of humour. I expect she still does but we have lost contact. Today I 'googled' Dorcas, every time I read this section of Acts I think of my Dorcas.

As a  child I easily accepted that Jesus healed people. He was part God, he could do anything. But this is not Jesus, it is not Paul it is Peter. The dead became alive. A miracle happened, a momentous miracle happened. A dead person, other than Jesus, walked and talked, lived.
Past tense, an event happened 2000 years go. But now? Yes I believe that miracles happen, present tense.

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