Saturday, December 8, 2012

Here and Now

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

I hate it when I want to pontificate and talk theoretically about a passage. My thesis is that my religion is a real living relationship with the Trinity and thus my writing should be about this and only this.
Whenever I read this passage, and quite a few others about life after death I am reminded about a vision that the authoress Catherine Marshall wrote. Catherine had two grandchildren die in infancy. She had a vision of one of them sitting on God's knee.
I found this a great comfort when Matthew died. I know that he is still entertaining God with his humour. One day I will see him again. I do not know how I will recognize him or if he is a 28 year old man now. I leave those details to God and continue telling you how I know that God is with me in the here and now.

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