Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hurricane Katrina

Psalm 55

I would hurry to my place of shelter,
    far from the tempest and storm.’

The people of New Orleans left their city and headed west. The same with those who lived in Houston. They were scared of the the consequences of staying. The storm was being monitored. We kept at least one hurricane watch web-page open. Hurrying though was not an option. We tried to buy petrol but we could only move across I10, joining it was not an option. The freeways were completely blocked. Joining the freeways was impossible. The traffic was static. Nobody was going anywhere. Seventeen people died on the blocked roads. There was not fuel and no water. It was taking 19 hours to do what would normally take 90 minutes.
The storm came to New Orleans, but not to Houston. There were people left behind in New Orleans who suffered much. There are many for whom life has not returned to normal, even seven years later.

Lord be with us in the storms of life.

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