Sunday, June 22, 2008


Numbers 14:26-45
Psalms 66, 67
Acts 15:1-12
Luke 12:49-56

Psalms 66, 67

Brave knights in shining armor rescuing maidens imprisoned by evil uncles high up in stone castles. Those are valiant deeds. We read tales of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, tales of Medieval warriors such as Richard the Lion Heart and Joan d'Arc and tales that Psalm 66 lists of God leading the Israelites through the Red Sea and desert. We hear of King David, how he fought and killed Goliath when nobody else in the kingdom was brave enough to try. This was the beginning of the Israelites conquering the Philistines.
God's deeds are awesome indeed.
I do not believe that it is a coincidence when I have been thinking of a person and they call me or when I have an overloaded day and one of my appointments calls to cancel. To me these are instances of God's awesome deeds. Similarly I have been prompted to call people and that was just what they needed that day.
How am I going to carry out God's deeds today?

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