Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ecclesiastes 1 :1-11
Psalms 68, 98
Acts 8 :26-40
Luke 11:1-13

Acts 8 :26-40

Interestingly the Scripture Union Closer to God notes which I read were also talking today about following the Spirit's promptings. My mother was a great one for announcing that God wanted her to do a particular thing and then doing everything she could to make sure that the event happened however much inconvenience it put to the rest of us. For this reason therefore I am very sceptical about people doing things "because God told them to". But I know there have been instances in my life when I have felt a nudge to do something other what I had planned for that day and the result has been a meeting that God intended.
I mentioned earlier (29 March) about the time that I had decided to go to a particular grocery store but on the way there felt inclined to go to a different one. Whilst I was in the breakfast cereal aisle I dropped a Cheerios coupon. Another customer picked it up, we got talking and realized that we were both Brits. She had just moved to Houston and was lonely. We don't eat Cheerios anyway so I gave her the coupon. When we came to part she could not find the coupon!

There was a time when I tutored some sisters who had been skipped a day of school - more than once. I wanted to say something. I did not want to threaten them with not tutoring them as I knew that I was a life -line to their completing the grade. I found some words about how I felt like not tutoring them if they continued to truant but that I loved them too much to do that. Later their mother thanked me for speaking to them. She had been praying about who to ask to have words with them.

Keith Warrington in Closer to God suggests that at the beginning of the day we ask the Spirit to be our teacher and counselor and then at the end of the day to think back over the day and write down five occasions when God whispered 'hello' in some way.

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