Sunday, June 22, 2008

Grass in the Morning

Numbers 13:31-14:25
Psalm 87, 90
Romans 3:9-20
Matthew 19:1-12

Psalm 87, 90

Looking out of the window

Looking out of the window

The jewels of dawn sparkle,

God-given gems of morning

Leaves dance for joy at the wonder of God's way

Graceful dawn grows into day.


But there is turmoil within.

How can we buy another car,

computer, pay for college, travel afar?

Is money my God?

Untidy and unclean,

Will the house ever gleam?

Is my home my God?

Read, rest, friends to meet

dress, shop, party, eat

Am I my God?

Quell the storm of my eternal motion.

May I drink in the water of your peace

Until I become a well-spring for another's thirst.

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