Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The WOW Factor

1 Corinthians 14:13-25

Bling, bling, the sight of emeralds and diamonds and our eyes almost automatically pop out of our head. The WOW is a very important factor in advertising. It makes us sit up and pay attention. Yesterday who is studying marketing brought in an article for us to read on internet advertising.
The introductory paragraph mentioned both the WOW factor and the term eye-popping. Even the use of the terms worked. Our attention was caught.
If you, a stranger walked into a room and your host, or another guest told you what you were thinking I bet you would say "Wow" and be amazed at the insight, wondering what supernatural power was at work.
Those of us in the room need to keep our ears open for the little hints and thoughts that occur, "Ah I must say hello to Mary or write an email to Joe or suggest a step to Richard." They might be the needed WOW.

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