Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Matthew 11:25-30

Twice we went to the same field near Picton Cadtle for Girl Guide camp. It was a peaceful field right next to the Eastern Cleddau river. I hope the link to the map works. It is the field just to the right of the end of the road. The one with a house behind it.

In those days the house was a derelict cottage and thus insignificant as a place to provide our water. We had to walk to the farmyard further down the lane, just behind the cottage. It was quite a long way with two full buckets of water. As my arms seemed to be pulled out of their sockets taking leave of  my shoulders  I can remember thinking how useful it would be to have yoke. The buckets would not have lost any weight but it would have been more evenly distributed.

How willing am I to let Jesus to take control of the distribution of the weight of my current burdens?

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