Saturday, June 14, 2008


Numbers 3:1-13
Psalms 75, 76
Galatians 6:11-18
Matthew 17:1-13

Matthew 17:1-13

Today the weather is bright. The sky is blue, there is not a cloud to be seen. The breeze is gentle. I went for a walk in the University of Illinois Arboretum. 75 degrees, very pleasant. I could imagine that it was just such a day when Jesus, Peter, James and John set off up the mountain. I wonder if Jesus told them why they were going up the mountain of if they were so used to his mysterious ways that they just did as they were told without asking any questions.
In 1972 or 3 David and I went on vacation to Nassereith in the Austrian Tyrol. The Tyrol is near to Italy and Germany so announced that we would go to as many countries as possible. One day we went to Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany.The weather was bright and sunny, just like today. I marched David up a mountain because I thought it would be neat to cross over the border between Austria and Germany on top of a mountain. It was. But by that time the mist had come down and we could hardly see where we were going. We do have a photograph at home of the sign between the two countries. You can see the mist, it is gray and dismal and the weather was cold. We are on our jackets and hats and gloves. It was the usual overcast, dampen the spirits sort.
The mist that descended on the guys on the mountain was bright. That in itself would be terrifying enough. How often is a mist bright? Eerie. Unnatural, but that is often the way with God and the special circumstances that He brings into our lives.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Could you post the picture? I think I remember seeing it but hadn't heard the story.