Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Joshua 24:16-33
Psalms 56, 57
Romans 16:1-16
Matthew 27: 24-31

Romans 16:1-16

Each of the people mentioned in this passage is important to Paul. We tend to see a list of names, particularly unfamiliar ones and delight in the opportunity to skip a few verses. But each of these names is a person who touched Paul's life.
Yesterday we were at church in Jackson Wyoming. A beautiful location. The church is a made of logs. The parish is celebrating its centenary this year.
The sermon was a reflection on the priest's visit to his childhood home the previous week. He told us of sitting outside the house and reflecting on the memories within.
Later in the service he gave thanks for people who had influenced the spiritual development of members of the church. Rev Kenneth Asel had asked members of the parish to give him names of people who had helped them on their road to God. There are many who have influenced my life. Some I have already written about - Enid Williams my Girl Scout leader and my Grandma. (March 28). They did not go out of their way to talk about God, they just lived their life with Him.
If you have a companion on the street he is seen by the friends you meet.

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