Thursday, December 1, 2011

Getting to Know You

2 Peter 3:18

The King and I was one of the first movies which I remember going to. I was enthralled. Anna and the King built a relationship, probably based more on mutual respect rather than love. But that knowledge went some way to starting a relationship.

The more you love somebody, the more you want to spend time with them. The more time you are with them the more you know them. You learn more about their good points- and the bad. But if you love them those bad aspects do not stop you wanting to spend time with the person. I am glad God loves me!
However Peter is exhorting us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and I am purporting that the way to do this is to spend time with God. I can read about Isaac Newton, I can even attempt to read- though probably only slightly understand his writings but I will never know him and that is not only because he is dead. It is the same with Queen Elizabeth II, not that I know if she has actually written works herself though we did meet her cellulose self through Helen Mirren.
We can read books and watch biographical movies but nothing is a replacement for a first hand encounter for creating a real knowledge of a person.
When we were reading the Daily Devotion this morning this verse reminded me of a marriage. In our 37 years together we have our days when the bad parts seem to be emphasised too much but nothing can change the fact that we love each other. My mother told me soon after we were married that she had gone to our wedding intending to be sad and cry but that I looked so happy that sadness had no place.
We, the church are Christ Bride, how awesome is that. Let us grow in the knowledge of our husband by spending time with him.
Now I am going to spend some time with Jesus.

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