Saturday, December 3, 2011

Quiet Day- Devoted to prayer.

Today was the Holy Trinity Brussels Ladies Quiet Day. It was a quiet day, not silent but gentle like waves lapping against the wall. One of the first Sunday Schools I was sent to was in a church by an estuary. When the tide was in we heard the waves going slip slop on the other side of the wall. It was like that today. We were not hasty, it was a day away from the rush, a day out the ordinary Saturday runs. We sat and listened, we prayed and sang and we shared ourselves.
Out side the walls the city moved as usual. The trams rumbled by, cars and people bustled on their pre Saint Nicholas, pre Christmas, normal Saturday schedule. Passing by the Friends of Jesus Centre they had no knowledge of the peace within. I looked out, I heard the trams, I saw the ladies wrapped up in their coats hanging onto their hats in the wind. They knew nothing of the peace that we were sharing. How can you tell from the outside? Is it the same with faces as it is with façades?
How can I tell what pain is behind the faces on the street? Jesus seemed to know and sense inner anguish. How can I grow his sensitivity?
Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Today we listened to teaching, we shared a banquet and we prayed. I pray that I be devoted to prayer.


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