Thursday, December 29, 2011

good wine

We are in the midst of the season of excess. The fridge is overflowing with scraps. The massacred  turkey and remains of the turkey curry, a half used jar of mincemeat. There is still plenty of food to be eaten. We hoard food at Christmas as if the shops still close for a week though life has changed. One of our village shops is open normal hours on Christmas Day - 7 30 am until 10 pm. But still I bought with a fear at the back of my mind that we might run out of food or drink. It is even worse when one gives a party and is not sure how many people will arrive, you do not know their appetites. The 'will there be enoughs' is a real fear.
Jesus went to a party where the calculations were wrong. Not wrong that they had so much food left that they did not know which shelter to take the left overs to. They ran out of wine, and at a wedding. How embarrassing. Jesus' mother came to the rescue. "Fix it" she whispered. Typical son answer "Not ready" Why do they never give a straight answer? I wonder how many times Jesus had "fixed it" at home? He did now too. he got some wine and good wine too.
The man in charge of the party had got it wrong and Jesus provided the best wine ever tasted in place of an empty jar. I find it a great relief that Jesus can take my embarrassing situations and make some good wine from them.

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