Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Branch of the Lord

Isaiah 4: 2-6
Psalms 101, 109 : 1-4, 20-30
Ephesians 4:1-16
Matthew 8: 28-38

Isaiah 4: 2-6

The Branch of the Lord

I rest underneath the canopy of fluttering leaves, shielded from the burning heat. The sun would scorch the soul if it were not for the protection afforded by the heavenly canopy. The bombardment of rays, those fiery darts of evil worm their way into the heart leaving an emaciated spirit. How can I resist the temptations of pride, greed- of food and materialism, unkind thoughts and words? Where is the skin between enough and desire, between need and want? When should I save and when should I give away?
The spreading branch, those many leaves of instances of God's love cover my head, shield my body and protect my spirit. They keep me safe, all I need to do is stay under the canopy of grace.

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