Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hearing God

1 Samuel 16:1-13a
Psalms 97, 99
Ephesians 3: 14-21
Matthew 8: 18-27

1 Samuel 16:1-13a

God told Samuel to go to Bethlehem to anoint the person who God had already picked out to be king.
How did Samuel know that God was sending him to Bethlehem? How did he know to reject the first seven sons? Samuel seemed to be in conversation with God.
Sometimes I have decided that it seemed right to go to a certain store and there I have struck up a conversation with somebody who has since become significant in my life and sometimes I have made similar decisions and nothing special that I know of has happened. Of course God could have been taking me away from other situations.
I have conversations in my head but how do I know that they are not all me providing both parts of the dialog?
I could say "Well you have to go with your gut feelings and step out in faith." However that does not seem to be the way that Samuel operated. He wanted to anoint each of the seven older sons as they seemed to be just the guy to be king. But God said "No".
So where does this leave me with the choices that I need to make? Which route to take?
I know that God is.

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