Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Proverbs 15:16-33
Psalms 26, 28
1 Timothy 1:18-28
Matthew 12: 33-42

1 Timothy 1:18-28

A guy in tights blasting on a horn announcing news. Email from a previous century. This train of thought reminded me of the many civic parades which I took part in as a Girl Scout, or rather a Girl Guide. The Town Crier who was the successor of the medieval herald was in the parades too.

is taken from

The link below is an even better picture of a Town Crier. Tenby is about 20 miles from Haverfordwest. We had relatives by marriage who lived there but that would certainly be a digression today.
Tenby Town Crier

Near Haverfordwest was a Fleet Air Base, I used to try to emulate the immaculate marching of the sailors. The parades were twice a year. In May there was one to 'herald' the new mayor. The parade went to the Mayor's church where his year of office was blessed. The other was for Remembrance Sunday (Veterans Day) in November. Pomp and circumstance displays news either joyful as in May or with an air of solemnity in November.
Paul's news was
5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men.
... and it is still true after all these centuries.


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