Friday, May 23, 2008

Mercy not sacrifice

Proverbs 8:1-21
Psalm 16, 17
2 John 1-13
Matthew 12:1-14

Matthew 12:1-14

This is one of my favorite Jesus stories along with his busy day when the lady touched the hem of his cloak.
I dislike intensely blogs that are punctuated by "I" and preaching. What I feel I want to say today scores on both points.
I am green which being interpreted means that I like to think that I put maintaining a healthy environment before my own convenience. I recycle everything that I can. I use a minimum of packaging. In a land where trash cans line driveways we have one small one which incidentally I brought from our house in England fifteen years ago. Our trash can gets put out for collection about once every two weeks and then often because of the odor rather than the volume of its contents. In the green theme we have a large flowerbed in our front yard. It is filled with perennials, they neither need mowing like grass or replacing like annuals. This theme did not fit in with our neighborhood who sued us mainly because the guy who was president did not like the underlying concept behind our yard. I am not a conformist. I like to think that I do what is the most noble in a situation rather than what etiquette dictates.
I like to not shop on Sundays in order to give those who work in shops the freedom to choose what to do on a Sunday. I suppose by this I am taking away their choice of working on a Sunday.
I like to sing Christmas Carols in Advent. Why do Episcopalians not do this?
I wear white shoes when convenient whatever the date.
I hope that if I land on your doorstep unannounced that you understand that my motives are punctuated by a desire to do what I perceive are the promptings of my heart.

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