Saturday, May 17, 2008

Student and Teacher

Ezekiel 39:21-29
Psalms 140, 142
1John 3:1-10
Matthew 10:24-33

Matthew 10:24-33

My math teacher was Janet Morris. She came when I was in the equivalent of seventh grade, but it might have been eighth grade. She married a farmer and became Janet Llewellyn. She left when I finished tenth grade to have babies. I remember her teaching us about positive and negative numbers, she drew a thermometer on the blackboard and used the concept of negative temperature. I remember learning my geometry theorems. I remember keeping my equal signs neatly underneath each other when I was solving equations. I still keep my equal signs neatly underneath each other when I solve equations and encourage my students to do the same. I do not remember how Miss Morris taught, I remember learning from her even though it was over forty years ago. She revealed the mysteries of mathematics to me. I do not remember learning from the teachers who succeeded Mrs Llewellyn though presumably I did otherwise I would not be doing what I do today. My love of imbuing my students with the delights of mathematics comes from the enthusiasm which I caught from Mrs Llewellyn.
My teacher for the mysteries of life- Jesus.

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