Monday, February 27, 2012

God knows

To read the whole of Psalm 44 click here
Who or what do I really worship. I do not really know. I hope it is God the creator and Saviour of the world.
I definitely hold in awe the Creator. I could probably write all day about the wonders of creation, the intricate design of the veins of a decaying leaf or the uniform height of the plateau of Belgium. And this is without going out of my village, nowhere near the coast with its rolling ocean. I can rejoice in the presence of Jesus my companion and Saviour. The Holy Spirit is my helper. I wonder who it is that whispers in my ear? I spend little time worshipping the Holy Spirit as an entity in itself, not in the same way as I do the Creator.
Thus I found it a relief to read that God knows who I worship, even when I do not. He knows when I worship him and when my desire is to have an elegant day. He knows that I am wondering what is the special chocolate of the week at the chocolaterie.
God knows that I want to worship him, though often I am a butterfly. He is steadfast.
I am with the psalmist in saying
"Rise up, come to our help. Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love." v26

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