Wednesday, February 15, 2012


To read the whole passage John 10:1-18 click here 
Tibetan spaniels were bred as dual purpose dogs in the monasteries of Tibet. Burglar alarms and hotwater bottles. Our dogs have both these functions engrained in their DNA however much we try to remove the barking at strangers from their system. I have learnt that if a stranger is to be welcomed into the house he needs to feed the dogs. Especially if we are ever to have enough peace for a conversation. But I am the main provider of food, in particular large quantities in a dish. I am the person who is followed around the house, the person who can pick up Ernest when he is feeling really grouchy. Ernest is my dog. he was a present, a birthday present. he knows that we have a special relationship. 

How do we recognize our master's voice?
Are we listening to the true master?

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