Thursday, January 31, 2013

Me time

Mark 6:30-46

As a teenager one of our sons had a problem coming home after he had been away. It was not that he ran away and we did not see him, he had a problem with family life. I learnt that it was a good idea, however inconvenient, to make a visit to somewhere interesting on the way home.
The disciples had been trusted away by themselves and they wanted to tell Jesus all about it. He suggested a little time out, away from the crowds. a special time when he could listen to his special helpers. it was not to be. The crowds followed them to the secluded place. Jesus had compassion on the crowd. He fed the crowed not only spiritually but physically too.
I hope that I can put other's needs before my own agenda. Perhaps more importantly to make time for them so that I can be aware of their needs, whatever I feel I need for myself. Is this fasting from 'self' as opposed to food?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kneel, sit, stand

Galatians 2:11-21

When I was young we always knelt to pray. As a child I found this posture particularly uncomfortable. I the book never seemed to be in the right place for me to read it, not that I wanted to read it as such. I just  wanted to monitor how close we were to the end of the prayer and I could stand up or sit.
Look up, it's a celebration was one of the themes of one of the priests at the Cursillo Weekend which we attended. He asked "Do you sit or kneel at a party?" We say we are "celebrating" the Eurcharist so why sit, stand up. The rubric in the older Prayer Books does instruct kneeling. In the newer versions we are allowed to choose our posture. There were times in our Houston church when there would be two or three people standing. You can guess who were two of them. But I think that in the penitential part of the service kneeling seems quite appropriate. The question is what do I do when I am a visitor in a church which does not share my views?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Touching Jesus

Mark 5:21-43

Am I willing just to reach out and touch Jesus? Or do I expect him to search me out and find me. Am i prepared just to get a little tug of his coat tail and believe that is sufficient for my needs, for me and my all important self-centred needs? Is my faith as small s  mustard seed but also as fertile as the seed so that the birds of the air, my fellow human beings can come and gain nourishment from my faith? Or am I so busy making a show of my faith that I forget to actually have any faith in anything other than my religion.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hebrews 10: 19-31

24And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Most of the friends we have around the world, ones that we have known for years and years and years are ones that we met with week by week.  
We have only lived here three years but the people with whom I feel most empathetic are the ones who greet me with a kiss and a hug and cheer me in my endeavours to share your love, just as they are doing.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pray thyself to me

Ephesians 6:10-24

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.

This verse is highlighted in my Bible. I did not write the date in the margin. I did not write any explanation. 
Pray in the Spirit. To me this is what Jesus meant when he said "I and my father are one" and what we men when we use the well-known and maybe overused words "Your will be done...".
I want my wishes to be the same as those of God himself. As my current favourite theologian, François Fénelon, wrote

Lord, I know not what I ought to ask of thee; thou only knowest what I need... I simply present myself before thee, I open my heart to thee. Behold my needs which I know not myself. Smite, or heal; depress me, or raise me up; I adore all thy purposes without knowing them; I am silent; I offer myself in sacrifice; I yield myself to thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish thy Will. Teach me to pray.  Pray thyself to me. Amen

I bring myself and those for whom I want to pray to the Lord and present them to Him for Him work his will in their life.

Yes praying in tongues is a way in which God can guide our prayers but that is words, whether we understand them or not. I want pray with François Fénelon

I yield myself to thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish thy Will. Teach me to pray.  Pray thyself to me.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Blackness and trust

Psalm 31

One of my daughters feels very much like David when he wrote this psalm. Her boss talks behind her back about her, nothing that she does is good enough. For two weeks she was doing the work of  three people, including that of a full time employee but given the allowance of an intern. her long hours give her no chance to apply for other opportunities. Like David her strength is failing and she is in misery. Like David she is trapped as in a besieged city, trapped by her circumstances. 

But also like David she is searching for light and strength. 
David wrote 24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
   all you who wait for the Lord.
And she wrote 

"There are many other rules but these are some of the most important. Try them and be surprised by joy. Jonathan Sacks, Five Rules for Life."

We can trust that as Julian of Norwich wrote "All shall be well".

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ears and measures

Mark 4: 21-34

I have ears, my husband has ears. Often he tries to have a conversation with me whilst I am preparing dinner and he is relaxing watching the TV and drinking the TV which I have brought him after his sometimes stressful day at work. Now the TV is so loud that I am sure next door's children but by now be fluent in English by all the English and American programmes that they hear through the walls.
I am supposed to listen and contribute to the conversation. Hearing the words is difficult, speaking over the volume of the soap operas is something that I refuse to do. I am course accused of being hard of hearing though I suspect that it is the person responsible for the volume of the TV that has the hearing problem.

23Let anyone with ears to hear listen!’ 24And he said to them, ‘Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. 

Now I maintain that my ears hear very well. I claim that I can hear pins drop. The main reason that I do not follow the conversation is because I continue what I am doing and do not make the effort to get near the source of the words. I prefer them to be drowned out by Friends or Two and a Half Men or Charmed or Spooks or whatever is the programme of the moment.

Is this my attitude to listening to God too? Am I too busy fulfilling my own agenda that I do not listen what what God has to say and am missing out on his measure?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Mark 4:1-20

The summer before last I a had good display of antirrhinums. I was very proud of it. I had a large planter full of them, varying colours and heights. It was a good show. The past summer I decided to forego the pleasure of antirrhinums, one does not want to get stuck in a rut. I filled my planter with dahlias, another flower which I have wanted to grow but never got round to planting. I did it, the slugs ate most of them. I was a trifle annoyed but right next to the planter, in fact in various parts of the path and between the paving stones of the patio grew antirrhinums as if snapping their fingers at me and saying  "We are here, don't forget us." They continue to give me pleasure even though though little plants are covered in snow for I can still make out their shape.
I hope my life is the same sewing seeds of thoughts of God in unprepared places, giving life to minds that were unwittingly prepared for God's planting.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My gods

Isaiah 44: 9-20

I was made a dress for Naomi's doll that was a miniature version of a dress that I had made for Naomi. On another occasion the project was to make a mediaeval dress for Becky. I had a basic pattern and  book of medieval dresses. I wanted to put the two together. I made a prototype for a doll. Usually if I have an idea for a pattern I can make the item, be it clothing or window coverings. It is a very satisfying feeling to know that what you are looking at started from nothing by just by your talents is a beautiful item. I do not bow to it.  I know that it cannot save me. But whilst considering the pride that I have in the results of my work  I started thinking about other points for pride for me and something  far more insidious occurred to me, education. Yes the result of my education is something of which I can be proud, not that I use it. What I find startling is the pedestal on which we place education. I even find it too painful to talk about.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Body Building

Ephesians 4:1-16

I am not a great fan of artificial nutrients. I believe that one should eat  balanced diet which includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for a healthy body. Everyday I try to eat  rainbow from red to violet with black and white thrown in with green. Sometimes I eat too many cakes and yes that causes my body to build though not in the correct way.
Too much of a good product can be just as detrimental as too little.
Just as I take note of the physical food I eat I also need to watch my spiritual intake.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why do I believe?

John 4 : 27-42

The answer is "I don't know". It is all a mystery to me and for that I am pleased that St Paul on more than one occasion talks of a "Holy Mystery" and that the fathers of the Church of England chose to include that phrase in the Eucharistic liturgy. What I do  know is that for me a life without God would not work.

I thought about it once. I thought about not going to church on Sundays, about not reading my Bible daily, about not talking to Jesus in my daily round, about not praying for my friends and family. A life bereft of these seemed a nonsense.

I believe because I have experienced life with Jesus.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Isaiah 43:1-13

This is one of my "Blankie" passages.  Whenever I read I am a small children sitting on my mother's lap, resting my head against her bosom, knowing that all is well. Or I am sitting alone cuddling my teddy. Or I could just be who I am now, an adult standing in awe as the mighty waters of a waterfall crash into the pool below.
Everything that Jesus said, the whole of the New testament, for me is contained in this passage.
Whatever might befall me God is with me, holding my hand ready to guide me to safety and eternity.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Isaiah 42:1-17

I bought some roses last week. After just a couple of days some of the heads began to droop. I cut a centimetre or two off the bottom of each stem, stripped off a few more leaves and changed the water. By the next day there was little improvement. More of the little rosebuds were losing the strength of their neck and drooping.  I tried again. I measured the length of a stem against the height of the vase and cut each stem to that length. I strip off any leaf that would be in the water. I filled the vase with fresh water. Gradually some of the roses have taken strength and  raised their heads.

When we are down, injured, depressed, overworked and overloaded God gently sustains us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Past, present, future

Ephesians 2: 1-10

:...we were by nature objects of wrath" 1. 9. 99  (opposite of joy, watch for the wrath)

"...created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do." 14. 6. 09

These are notes from my Bible, thoughts which jumped out of the page at me in 1999 and 2009.  For me it is interesting that the most import thought today was the fact that God has prepared good works in advance for me to do. I hope I do them and do not sit at home wondering what I should be doing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Today is one of those days. I may have said what I am going to say on a previous day when 

Ephesians 1:15-23

was the reading for the day.  If a passage jumps out of the page at me I will try to underline it in my Bible and make a note of it and why I thought it was important in either the margin of my Bible or my journal, maybe even both.  This is one of those passages. Why it is important to me is that I want to pray Paul's prayer for my children. 

Of course I give thanks for them daily, they are never far from my mind. I pray that God will give them wisdom and that they will know him more. Some of them may currently believe that he does not exist but each one of them at some point in their life have known God and I pray that their love for him will be renewed.

I believe that God is in charge of all things and that one day this will happen, hopefully in my lifetime, if not then I will be part of the great party in heaven when I sheep returns to the fold.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weighing out.

Isaiah 40:12-23

Nobody gave us any scales as a wedding present. For seven years we had no scales in the house. I measured everything using the "homely measures" that I had been taught in cookery lessons in school. Then we had puppies, quite little tibetan spaniel puppies who needed to be weighed daily so I bought some scales. The sort with a good dish at the top that a four inch puppy could not escape from. I kept the scales for their purpose, weighing canine babes.  My keeping still consisted of teaspoons and tablespoons of this and that. I wonder if this is how God does his measuring. Does he say a little of sun and a large dollop of kindness until he thinks it looks and feels right? Does he add water until it is just right, knowing what consistency will give the correct results for the cooking of his plans?

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Psalm 146

5 Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
   whose hope is in the Lord their God, 
6 who made heaven and earth,
   the sea, and all that is in them;
who keeps faith for ever; 
7   who executes justice for the oppressed;
   who gives food to the hungry. 

The Lord sets the prisoners free; 

Today I feel imprisoned by the rat-race. The to-do list form the walls of my cell. Half the dinner is in the oven cooking, the vegetables are waiting to be cleaned and dessert to be decided upon. The weather is dubious, verging on the imprudent to drive. I am here, I am not at church which is where I want to be. 

I  am glad that I turned to this psalm and can enjoy being reminded of God's presence.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Moons and suns

Isaiah 66:1-2,22-23

Moons and suns fascinate me. I was compelled to stop and photograph the moon and its reflection in an Amsterdam canal. 
Some lanes in Ittre are almost unwalkable on a winter's evening except at full moon when there is a faint light similar to that given by a torch with a failing battery. But the walk is possible. 
Walking is often when I talk to God and the full moon is a reminder that he is near and waiting to talk to me. I am ashamed to say that I need the reminder.

23 From new moon to new moon,
   and from sabbath to sabbath,
all flesh shall come to worship before me,
says the Lord

Friday, January 11, 2013

Not a favourite passage

Revelation 3:7-13

9I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.

I know exactly who God through John is getting at. I have lived in the Bible Belt of the USA. I have lived in the heart of Texas. I have seen the church parking lots filled with shiny Mercedes and Lexuses. I have sat with elegantly clad women with immaculate hair and polished nails. I been to places of worship where best clothes were a requirement and the door was closed on latecomers. All show. But I have also heard some of the stories behind the   adorned exterior, of heartbreak and poverty that have been experienced and overcome.
I know of a church where tithing is essential and the minister flies first class sporting a hundred dollar haircut. 
I know that I believe that Jesus is my friend and Saviour and that God is the Creator of the universe.
But I do not know how God judges anybody, including me.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

God sees the real me

"Children are very nice observers, and will often perceive your slightest defects. In general, those who govern children, forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves." François Fénelon (1651-1715) 

How often I overlook my  own sin. God sees the real me.

François Fénelon is my excitement of the day. I discovered him this morning when I was doing my 'other discipline, the one that I do by myself and when I do not have other family members organizing my day. I write in this blog on a thought from the Episcopal Daily Lectionary. I am often struct by the similarities between the general attitude of society now and that prevalent at the times of Isaiah and Amos. I think it must have been similar three hundred years ago too. 

We judge others, but not ourselves. We think that our way s right and that God approves of our behaviour.

Read more François Fénelon quotes  and about the person

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Status Quo

John 5:1-15

There is something that I have had in my heart to do for a ling time. but I do not do it. In fact I can think of another thing too which I think God has placed in my heart but I do not do that either. The first is to be a priest which came to me originally when I was a teenager, well before the days when women were priests. The second is to write, to share the thoughts that God gives me and time that he shares with me with the world, with you.
I think that the man at the pool wanted to be fit and well though he did not actually say so in as many words. He did not want to go against the status quo and anything that would upset normal  Jewish life.
Is that me too? Do I just want to continue in the familiar?
How about you?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Right and left, right and wrong

Revelation 2:8-17

I know that my eye sight is better without my glasses than my husband's is with his glasses so I decided to try the eye tes for my new driving licence on my fiftieth birthday without the aid of spectacles. I could not see the digits and letters at all at the end of the viewer. They seemed to be off stage right. I was worried and owned up that perhpas I should try with my glasses. Still no complete number plate. I closed one eye, then tried with the other. Yes with peripheral vision  not hampered by two eyes trying to work together I saw the complete picture.
I was very amused when I was later casually cleaning the lenses and discovered that the eye which I had used had almost plain glass in the space of a lens. yes I view long distance with my left eye and near with my right eye. An ophthalmic optician has since commented to me that his wife had spent of hundreds of dollars to have the same facility in her sight.
I might be ready equipped for seeing the material things of life but how is my spiritual sight? How good am I at telling right from wrong?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Thirty year old teenager

John 2:1-11

You say to the teenager "Please will you do the dishes" or "I would like it if you would go to the grocery shop for me".
If you are lucky they reply and that would be in the negative unless they could see an advantage to them.
I remember Tom unwillingly ferrying his siblings to their activities for me. Then one day in school one of his friends said "I saw you on Sunday with a van load of munchkins". After this social approval he was more willing to fulfil his taxi- driver duties.
Jesus attitude to his mother in this reading reminded me of that typical teenage reply. "No." But with an unspoken caveat of "I'll think about it and maybe I will do it, but in my own time".
Often we can learn from people who are working to a different agenda from the one we intend. They may be more in tune with God's plans.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Too good to be true

John 16:23-30

I believe that Jesus came from the Father.
I love Jesus.
I believe that Jesus went to the Father.

Now for the asking part.
How do I ask in Jesus' name? (I find it mind-boggling that reason I should ask in his name is so that my joy can be complete)
And it not that I ask Jesus and he approaches the Father for me. No Jesus says that I can ask the Father directly because he loves me.

Hmm sounds too good to be true.


...seems to be the word of the day. 

2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2

With whom do I need to be reconciled? 

How do I need to change my behaviour so that less reconciliation is needed from now on?