Monday, January 14, 2013

Weighing out.

Isaiah 40:12-23

Nobody gave us any scales as a wedding present. For seven years we had no scales in the house. I measured everything using the "homely measures" that I had been taught in cookery lessons in school. Then we had puppies, quite little tibetan spaniel puppies who needed to be weighed daily so I bought some scales. The sort with a good dish at the top that a four inch puppy could not escape from. I kept the scales for their purpose, weighing canine babes.  My keeping still consisted of teaspoons and tablespoons of this and that. I wonder if this is how God does his measuring. Does he say a little of sun and a large dollop of kindness until he thinks it looks and feels right? Does he add water until it is just right, knowing what consistency will give the correct results for the cooking of his plans?

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