Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ears and measures

Mark 4: 21-34

I have ears, my husband has ears. Often he tries to have a conversation with me whilst I am preparing dinner and he is relaxing watching the TV and drinking the TV which I have brought him after his sometimes stressful day at work. Now the TV is so loud that I am sure next door's children but by now be fluent in English by all the English and American programmes that they hear through the walls.
I am supposed to listen and contribute to the conversation. Hearing the words is difficult, speaking over the volume of the soap operas is something that I refuse to do. I am course accused of being hard of hearing though I suspect that it is the person responsible for the volume of the TV that has the hearing problem.

23Let anyone with ears to hear listen!’ 24And he said to them, ‘Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. 

Now I maintain that my ears hear very well. I claim that I can hear pins drop. The main reason that I do not follow the conversation is because I continue what I am doing and do not make the effort to get near the source of the words. I prefer them to be drowned out by Friends or Two and a Half Men or Charmed or Spooks or whatever is the programme of the moment.

Is this my attitude to listening to God too? Am I too busy fulfilling my own agenda that I do not listen what what God has to say and am missing out on his measure?

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