Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pray thyself to me

Ephesians 6:10-24

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.

This verse is highlighted in my Bible. I did not write the date in the margin. I did not write any explanation. 
Pray in the Spirit. To me this is what Jesus meant when he said "I and my father are one" and what we men when we use the well-known and maybe overused words "Your will be done...".
I want my wishes to be the same as those of God himself. As my current favourite theologian, François Fénelon, wrote

Lord, I know not what I ought to ask of thee; thou only knowest what I need... I simply present myself before thee, I open my heart to thee. Behold my needs which I know not myself. Smite, or heal; depress me, or raise me up; I adore all thy purposes without knowing them; I am silent; I offer myself in sacrifice; I yield myself to thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish thy Will. Teach me to pray.  Pray thyself to me. Amen

I bring myself and those for whom I want to pray to the Lord and present them to Him for Him work his will in their life.

Yes praying in tongues is a way in which God can guide our prayers but that is words, whether we understand them or not. I want pray with François Fénelon

I yield myself to thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish thy Will. Teach me to pray.  Pray thyself to me.

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