Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Mark 4:1-20

The summer before last I a had good display of antirrhinums. I was very proud of it. I had a large planter full of them, varying colours and heights. It was a good show. The past summer I decided to forego the pleasure of antirrhinums, one does not want to get stuck in a rut. I filled my planter with dahlias, another flower which I have wanted to grow but never got round to planting. I did it, the slugs ate most of them. I was a trifle annoyed but right next to the planter, in fact in various parts of the path and between the paving stones of the patio grew antirrhinums as if snapping their fingers at me and saying  "We are here, don't forget us." They continue to give me pleasure even though though little plants are covered in snow for I can still make out their shape.
I hope my life is the same sewing seeds of thoughts of God in unprepared places, giving life to minds that were unwittingly prepared for God's planting.

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