Monday, March 15, 2010

Seaside and crumbs

Psalm 89
Gen. 49:1-28

Jesus went to the seaside. The real seaside this time, the Mediterranean Coast, not the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps he wanted to keep his presence a secret so that he could have a restful time looking out of the ocean. That is what I like to do when I am on vacation. I like the anticipation of vacations almost as much as I enjoy the time away from the normal run of life. I plan trips and books to read, walks to take and cliffs to explore, always bearing in mind that the weather might influence the plans. Arriving and the short while after that might just be the most exciting time- the time when anticipation is realized.
Jesus had just arrived. Probably he had gone into the house to recover from the day's journey. I wonder if he was staying with a friend and had some catching up to do or if he was at a Bed & Breakfast establishment, staying with a welcoming stranger? His plan was no crowds. In comes a female foreigner. When my dogs hover underneath the table they are not necessarily asking for tasty morsel to be donated to them, though that would make life exciting. No they are just hopeful that a little something will accidentally fall their way. They figure that one has to be in place just in case luck will happen. This woman was not asking for much from Jesus but it was a big deal for her and for that she risked a snide comment on disturbing his peace or was it his plans?
I am a planner. I had a little timetable of activities for today but somehow I am behind already. Jesus always seems to be fluid in maintaining his plans, particularly when motivated by compassion. How sensitive am I to the needs of others?
And from the other direction. How determined am I to make my needs known to Jesus?

Note on photograph. How could I disturb him to take a photograph underneath the table?

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