Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The way of life

Psalms 94, 95, 97, 99,100
Gen. 49:29-50:14

I thought I would write about death and the experience of one's parents dying; of the one memory I have of my father which was a few days before his death or the guilt that I have over my mother's death- the fact that I was not with her but many miles away.
But my message is that the way of Jesus is the way of life. Jesus' actions were motivated by compassion and love of God. We had the feeding of many thousands last week. Here is another account. Jesus healed many people on different occasions Mark tells us that he also fed a crowd multiple times.
This time he forestalled their hunger. He took what little there was and transformed it into a feast for all. afterwards there were plenty of leftovers to be shared on the way home.
How aware am I of the needs of those around me? When I do notice them am I motivated to act or do I just follow my own path of apathy?
Telephone calls, friendly emails, spending time drinking coffee or tea are all cheap if I could only be motivated by compassion. My friend Kate invited me to spend hours in her house every week for quite a few years whilst my daughters were at dance class rather than me walk the shops or sit in the car. It must have been very inconvenient for her sometimes. She gave us dinner too.

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