Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Psalm 55, 74
Lam. 2:1-9

You may or may not like the view that I am taking of this parable today. I am being defensive because I know it is off the wall and I know that there are some holes in the argument. Also I am being as brief as possible because of the reduction in the number of fingers available for writing.
God created the world. He planted his vineyard. He made mankind to tend the vineyard. Civilizations develop, abuse themselves or the environment or both and then fizzle away.
Our era seems to be the ultimate in misuse of the world's God given resources. Our husbandry is completely focused on our own selfish goals. We use and abuse the world's mineral and agricultural resources. All is ours and for our use. We are indeed the selfish tenants keeping everything, the whole inheritance for ourselves.
Remember the story of the sand dollar, baby has taken many forms as it did its rounds as an email forward. There was a beach littered with stranded sand dollars and one person throwing a few back into the water. When asked why he bothered since he was having such an insignificant effect on the whole situation "But to each one that I put back into the ocean I am giving life." The sum of all our little efforts is great. Today I shall walk, use public transport and carry my shopping in a cotton bag. Aren't I a good girl? Here ends the ecological lesson.
I hope I remember not to disown Jesus by any of my selfish activities. This is the religious and more normal conclusion from this parable.

Note: I have no idea why I took this photograph but it is certainly useful today.

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