Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Christmas Present

Bongo is big in Belgium. There are special stores devoted totally to Bongo. You can also buy them in the grocery store. The name has a special place in our family as our first dog was called Bongo. I suspect that is part of the reason David bought me a Bongo for Christmas. Mine is a gift certificate for three nights on the coast- The Netherlands, Belgium or France. I am spending a lot of time on TripAdvisor weighing the relative merits of hotels and villages. Currently Vlieland is winning. Vlieland is an island off the Netherlands which is almost motor vehicle free. Visitors have to leave their car in Harlingen. I like the idea of having to walk or ride a bike, of using my power rather than fossil fuel. Think how much more I can eat though I suppose one will have to take into account the cooking of the extra food. Making the most of the gift is no light matter.

God gave the world to mankind. Those beautiful forests and wild seas are mine.

To read the whole Psalm click here

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