Saturday, January 28, 2012

A postcard

On Thursday I wrote about Easter Minto, how she wanted to know what God is doing in the here and now, not only what he did 2000 years ago. Today's passage from Genesis reminded me of a moment when I think God 'sent me a postcard'.
Stephen and Matthew were born as planned, between my Open University examination and the beginning of the next course. In fact Matthew died on the day of my first tutorial of a new course. We had decided to have three children. It would only be a matter of time before there was a different baby. I avoid the word replaced because no person can be replaced. Matthew was and is special.
Fairly quickly we were expecting another baby, not quite at the right time of year but to have the little life was most important.  I miscarried the baby at twelve weeks.  I recovered from the miscarriage, we were on vacation at the time so no doctors were involved. In the weeks, months and years ahead there was no baby and no baby again. My plans were thwarted. I was getting a trifle frustrated. Friends had their third and fourth baby, some planned, some not. And I was not pregnant. I was annoyed with God. Here was I, a regular church goer and daily Bible reader and I was being ignored. It was two years since Matthew's birth and death.
One day I was reading, I think this passage from Genesis and the words "by this time next year you will have a baby" leapt out from the page at me. Approximately a year later Becky was born. And she is well worth the wait.

To read the whole passage click here

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