Sunday, December 6, 2009

Psalm 114, 115 148, 149, 150;
Amos 6:1-14;

Do we really think Jesus wants to come back to earth considering what happened to him the first time he came? This the essence of one of the things that stuck in my brain from this morning's sermon. What would Jesus find?

Amos 6 is one of the passages which reminds of today's society and how little we have changed over the last 3000 years. We strive to have nice looking houses and sit around drinking wine with our Christian friends. I seem to be saying the same thing most days this week but the content of Amos' message was a real wake up to me the first time that I read it a few years ago and so I always try to make the most of it when I have the opportunity. I am 'gob-smacked' as to how little humanity has changed over so much time.

I hope that I also remember to praise God in all situations.

Praise God in the heavenly realms
Praise from the housetop
Praise with your voice, good or bad,
Praise in your daily life,
Praise him in the dirty socks and the ironing
Praise him in the yard and on the track
Praise in the traffic and the tram.
Praise at golf and in the cafe...

Improve and add your own praises.

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