Friday, December 18, 2009

Belgian Lace

Psalm 40, 51, 54;
Zech. 7:8-8:8

We live in the land of lace, beautiful handmade lace. Walk around the Grand Place area of Brussels or almost any street in Bruges and there are windows full of almost any item one can imagine to entice the tourist to buy a momento of Belgium. Of course, much of it is made in China or by machine in Italy or France. I am however the proud possessor proud a genuine handmade Belgian lace tablecloth. My father bought it when he was here during World War II. I knew of its existence but it was not until I was going through all my possessions in great detail before our current move that I saw it. But it is useless. It was so precious that my mother kept it carefully wrapped up in tissue paper in a trunk. Greyed and brittle, I did not investigate further, maybe it can be restored.

Instinctively I am with the last guy in the parable. I would be so worried about losing the talent and possible retribution that I would have kept it carefully wrapped in a safe place. But precious treasures should be seen and used, enjoyed by all. A treat shared spreads the pleasure. (This saying reminds me of my friend Alison, another great Christian in my life but is off topic for today).

What talents has God given me, you? Hmm I am writing this, maybe it is one of the talents that God wants me to use, maybe I need to find a math student or two as well instead of spending all day looking at house ads, a lady said to me at our ladies retreat last saturday "Perhaps a house will come when you use your talents for God."

But one needs courage to use talents.

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