Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Psalm 5, 6, 10, 11
Amos 3:1-11

Faire Un Rendez-Vous

I seem to be trying to making a lot of appointments. My efforts are beset by a language barrier and a great fear of talking on a telephone in a strange country. I am really out of my comfort zone. This is why I find Amos so appealing. The Israelites whom Amos was addressing seemed to have many of the same problems that we have in society today. So called civilized society does not seem to have changed much. Amos was doing his prophesying almost 3000 years ago.
When I think about that attribute happenings to God most of them are unplanned and spontaneous. The casual conversation that I had in a grocery store- not here of course, my French pronunciation has not reached intelligible standards yet. Friendships made in a post office because the little voice said "Speak" and somebody did. I was feeling new and lonely in Houston and Katrina heard my (lack of) accent and spoke.
Once I visited an old and lonely lady, no previous telephone call. I went, she was delighted. Our friendship lasted until she died. How I miss our almost weekly chats when we put our little worlds to right and laughed about our idiosyncrasies. Nothing planned.
God has his own plans for our lives but usually we are not party to the plan until the time which he has appointed. We do not need to plan our lives with meticulous detail as he has already done that for us. All we have to do is be alert for our instructions.

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