Friday, December 11, 2009

Snakes alive

Psalm 31, Psalm 35
Haggai 1:1-15;

I still regard suspiciously any foot-long strand I see lying on the sidewalk wondering if it will suddenly start to wriggle in my direction. For the inhabitants of Texas snakes are a fact of life, by the time I left I was getting there. The one that I found in the house when I was all alone I dealt with myself, but it was only one of those little things that looks like a shoes lace with a head. No, I did not kill it and for three reasons. I might have made it angry in my efforts, I would have had a mess to clear up and I am sure it had its part to play in the food chain. I did not want it playing its part in my house. Then there was the one that Stephen had a fight with outside the back door. That was a big black scary one. The girls, who were in elementary school at the time shouted at me "Stay inside" as Stephen pushed it away with a broom which it was trying to bite. Everybody in Texas has their snake stories. Many snakes do not survive the encounter, many people see snake, kill snake.
I was raised to be terrified of snakes. So was my friend Eileen. I remember we discussed our fears during the many months when our family may/maynot be moving to Texas. Mainly though we gave thanks to God for our blessings. Eileen is a gentle influence on my life. She was fond of saying to the children "God loves a cheerful worker". I often have to say this to myself when extracting somebody else's hair from the drain. we do actually have many opportunities for thankfulness that we overlook during the day.
I love Jesus' way with words. That is one of the pleasures of reading the bible daily. One discovers so many hidden treasures.

1 comment:

Sian said...

Saturday's thought "Sardis, a Weird Welsh Name?" is at
as my computer is not launching any web browser.